top lists
‘I have no words for you, my dearest … You are mine, I am yours’ – Letter No 1 Sunday. I have no words for you, my dearest, – I shall never have – You are mine, I am yours. Now, here is one sign of what I said: that I must love … Continue readings
Tags : Alfred Stieglitz, Anne Boleyn, Charlie Parker, Elizabeth Taylor, famous love letters, Fanny Brawne, Georgia O'Keeffe, Henry VIII, Honore de Balzac, Immortal Beloved, John Keats, Josephine, letters from the heart, literary romances, Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas, love letters, Ludwin van Beethoven, Napoleon, Oscar Wilde, Pliny the Younger, Richard Burton, same sex love, Tudor love letters, Violet Trefusis, Vita Sackville-West
An opening line can be a thing of beauty, drawing us into a novel. There are many great lines but here are our Top 10 favourites. 1. ‘He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.’ — Rafael Sabatini, Scaramouche (1921) 2. ‘It … Continue readings