Headline books

Have you heard of kintsugi? Sydney says. Ila shakes her head. It’s the old Japanese art of repairing broken or chipped pottery. They use layers of lacquer, often with powdered gold. Instead of hiding the damage, it’s embraced. It’s treated as part of an object’s ongoing beauty. I love that, Ila says.” Rachel … Continue readings
Tags : Do Not Feed the Bear, editor's choice, Headline books, Rachel Elliott, Tinder Press

Erin Kinsley’s Found centres on every parent’s nightmare, the abduction of an eleven-year-old boy from a bus stop on his way back home from school. The book details the devastating impact on Evan’s immediate family and the best friend who had just been with him and the reality of an over-subscribed police force, crying … Continue readings
Tags : anne cater, book reviews, chiild abduction, chiildren abducted found, child abduction, child abuse, crime fiction, DI Naylor, Erin Kinsley, Found, Headline books, missing children, paedophiles, police procedurals, The Literary Lounge, The Literary Shed