Octopus Books
‘I am a woman. I am mixed-race. I grew up in East London and Essex. I am not posh, but I am not going to let anyone tell me that the Bar is not for “people like me”. This is my story.” Many people will have seen the recent media about the … Continue readings
Tags : Alexandra Wilson, Alexandra Wilson barrister, Endeavour, Hachette non-fiction, In Black and White, Octopus Books, racial discrimination legal system UK books, steph, Stephen Lawrence
Most people will recognise Kate Humble from telly. She’s a well-known face; honest, appealing, the kind of person you’d like to sit down and have a cuppa with and chat, knowing you’ll come away enriched by the experience. It’s thus a joy that Humble’s new book, A Year of Living Simply, reflects her … Continue readings
Tags : A Year of Living Simply, Aster, book review, COVID reading, Kate Humble, Kate Humble broadcaster, mindfulness books, Octopus Books, Springwatch